The nature around me, animals, people and landscapes are central inspirations for my work. As such, my artistic practice is inextricably linked to the earth, my surroundings and my experiences. I mainly work with oil and pastel paints on canvas or paper.
I think I discovered my love of painting through my grandfather, the painter Anton Mahringer. As a child, I spent many hours in his studio and was allowed to watch him and, of course, paint.
I mostly work with oil paints, and the creative process begins with covering the canvas with linen. In the tradition of the old masters, I prime with gesso. Even during this preparatory work, I can see the motif in front of me. The oil paints are applied layer by layer until I am satisfied with my work. After a long drying phase, the painting is varnished.
In addition to oil painting, I also enjoy working on drawings with pastels, ink and gouache.
Date of birth 26.7. 1968 in Villach
Education: 1986 - 1991 Modeschule Hetzendorf Vienna, Austria -
collective exhibitions
2019 Emerging / Mads Milano Milan, Austria
2018 M.ads Critics Award / Mads Milano Milan, Austria
2016 Year One Art / Mads Milano Milan, Austria
2016 Contemporary Art Exhibition / Mads Milano Milan, Austria
2015 Medalm Tröpolach, Carinthia, Austria
1989 Carinthian Views – Another State Exhibition Hüttenberg, Carinthia, Austria
solo exhibitions
2015 Border Crossings – Art in the Brothel Vienna, Vienna, Austria
2014 Exhibition at Antoniushof Hermagor, Carinthia, Austria